Policies ⚖️
This website collects basic analytics data provided by Wix Analytics. Every product you use has its own privacy policy, which you can read by selecting the FAQ option in the menu of the product's telegram bot. All my products request and store the bare minimum data required to perform their tasks. I do not share any information of my clients or conversations we have with anyone else. This is a paid business; I make money selling product subscriptions, not data.
All product data is stored on a single server inside a Digital Ocean Data Center in the USA, for which I (Pablo) am the only person who has access. It gets updated regularly and requires authentication via strong password, SSH key, and 2FA to connect. The database is not accessible from outside the server (the port is closed).
All my products require a monthly subscription. When you stop using a product, you must manually cancel the subscription to avoid getting charged.
To cancel a subscription or see invoices, send "/billing" to your Telegram bot. If you have any problem with your billing, please reach out to me using the channels provided on the contact page.
All my products have a free trial period for users to make an informed purchase, so refunds are generally not allowed. However, I may make an exception if you stopped using the product, forgot to cancel the subscription, and want a refund on your last payment. Contact me if this is your situation, and I'll evaluate your case.
The payment service is managed by Stripe which offers bank level security. Motion Apps does not get access to your card information. We are notified by Stripe when a payment is processed so we can activate or deactivate your subscription accordingly.